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Experience Sitecore !

More than 200 articles about the best DXP by Martin Miles

GitHub Action with XM Cloud

The approach I am going to show you would work for any CI/CD pipeline with XM Cloud with some level of customization, however, I will be showing it on an example of GitHub Actions.


One would ask – if my codebase is located at GitHub, why on earth would I need to leverage GitHub Actions if the XM Cloud Deploy app already provides build&deploy pipelines for GitHub? It is a valid question, so let’s answer it:

  • XM Cloud Deploy app is a black box where you have no control other than developers allow you to specify within xmcloud.build.json configuration file.
  • GitHub Actions in opposite give you much more precise control over all aspects of the process
  • It relies on the ready-use and well-tested open-source re-usable actions for you simply pick and use
  • Thanks to the above it is quick and low-code compared to other CI/CD approaches, but at the same time, it is highly customizable and may suit any enterprise-level needs (consider GitHub Enterprise in such case).
  • Actions use any OS-based runners that execute at GitHub, while the Deploy app utilizes shared XM Cloud infrastructure
  • Seamless integration into the GitHub account allows keeping all the eggs in the same basket.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at how easily we can set up multisite multi-environment XM Cloud CI/CD workflows.

Preparing XM Cloud

Let’s start with the creation of XM Cloud Project and 2 environments – Staging and Production.

Of course, you can do the above manually by using XM Cloud Deploy app, however, I automated that with a reusable PowerShell code. In order to manipulate XM Cloud from scripts, I need to obtain a pair of automation ClientID and ClientSecret first. This pair is required internally by Login.ps1 script but will be used all the way down this exercise, so save it carefully.

# Script to created a project and environments with the named provided
$projectName = "JumpStart"
$environmentStaging = "Staging"
$environmentProd = "Production"
& "$PSScriptRoot/../Security/Login.ps1"

    $projectList = dotnet sitecore cloud project list --json | ConvertFrom-Json
    $project = $projectList | Where-Object{$_.name -eq $projectName}
    if(-not $project){
        Write-Warning "Project '$projectName' not found. Creating new project..."
        $output = dotnet sitecore cloud project create --name $projectName --json
        if($output -eq "Organization tier does not allow more projects"){
            return $null;
            $projectList = dotnet sitecore cloud project list --json | ConvertFrom-Json
            $project = $projectList | Where-Object{$_.name -eq $projectName}
            return $project.id
        Write-Warning "Project $projectName already exists. Skipping create."
        return $project.id

        [bool]$isProd = $false,

    # Checking if environment exists.
    $environment = $environmentList | Where-Object{$_.name -eq $environmentName}
    if(-not $environment){
        Write-Warning "Environment '$environmentName' not found. Creating new environment..."
        $output = dotnet sitecore cloud environment create --name $environmentName --project-id$projectId --prod $isProd --json | ConvertFrom-Json
        if($output.Status -eq "Operation failed"){
            return $null
            return $output.id
        $environmentId = $environment.id
        "Environment $environmentName already exists"
        return $environmentId
$projectId = Create-Project -projectName $projectName
$environmentList = dotnet sitecore cloud environment list --project-id$projectId --json | ConvertFrom-Json
$stagingId = Create-Environment -environmentName $environmentStaging -projectId $projectId -environmentList $environmentList
$prodId = Create-Environment -environmentName $environmentProd -projectId $projectId -isProd $true -environmentList $environmentListpo

Upon completion it will return you Environment IDs for both created environments, you can also get this information after refreshing Deploy app page:

XM Cloud Projects And Environments

Additionally, I’d like to enable SPE and Authoring and Management GraphQL API, before the deployment takes place so that I don’t have to redeploy it later:

dotnet sitecore cloud environment variable upsert -n SITECORE_SPE_ELEVATION -val Allow -id $stagingId
dotnet sitecore cloud environment variable upsert -n Sitecore_GraphQL_ExposePlayground -val true -id $stagingId
dotnet sitecore cloud environment variable upsert -n SITECORE_SPE_ELEVATION -val Allow -id $prodId
dotnet sitecore cloud environment variable upsert -n Sitecore_GraphQL_ExposePlayground -val true -id $prodId

So far so good. Let’s deploy now.

XM Cloud Provisioning

Here is the entire code of the GitHub Actions workflow I will be using for provisioning XmCloud:

name: Build & Deploy - XM Cloud Environments
    branches:[ JumpStart ]
    - .github/workflows/CI-CD_XM_Cloud.yml
    - .github/workflows/deploy_xmCloud.yml
    - .github/workflows/build_DotNet.yml
    - 'xmcloud.build.json'
    - 'src/platform/**'
    - 'src/items/**'
    branches:[ JumpStart ]
    - .github/workflows/CI-CD_XM_Cloud.yml
    - .github/workflows/deploy_xmCloud.yml
    - .github/workflows/build_DotNet.yml
    - 'xmcloud.build.json'
    - 'src/platform/**'
    - 'src/items/**'
    uses: ./.github/workflows/build_DotNet.yml
      buildConfiguration: Release

    uses: ./.github/workflows/deploy_xmCloud.yml
    needs: build-dotnet
      environmentName: Staging

    if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/JumpStart'
    needs: build-dotnet
    uses: ./.github/workflows/deploy_xmCloud.yml
      environmentName: Production

Please pay attention to the following parts of it:

  • on: push, pull_request and workflow_dispatch – define event to trigger. The last one means manual trigger from the GitHub UI, I will use it below.
  • branches specify to which branches push or pull request triggers apply to.
  • paths iterate the filesystem locations to be used further ahead with a runner.
  • jobs: specify what we’re going to perform, in which consequence and the dependencies between these actions.
  • each of these jobs executes a consequence of steps to take, referred from another file by uses parameter
  • needs specify the dependency from a previous action to complete successfully, prior to this one to execute.
  • if clauses define conditions for the job to run, if not met job will receive ‘Skipped’ status along with all the other dependant jobs.
  • secrets are taken from stored GitHub Actions secrets and passed down to the jobs


For each of the jobs I need to provide 3 parameters from the secrets:

  • XM_CLOUD_CLIENT_ID and XM_CLOUD_CLIENT_SECRET – is a pair of automation ClientID and ClientSecret, the same we obtained at the beginning of this article.
  • STAGING_XM_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT_ID or PRODUCTION_XM_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT_ID are the IDs we obtained upon environment creation. You may always look them up in the Deploy app.

So, we have 3 jobs created from 2 steps of consequences of action:

  • Build the DotNet solution
  • Deploy the solution and items to an XM Cloud instance

Build the DotNet solution workflow:

name: Build the DotNet Solution

        type: string

    name: Build the .NET Solution
      runs-on: windows-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Setup MSBuild path
        uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild@v1.1
      - name: Setup NuGet
        uses: NuGet/setup-nuget@v1.0.6
      - name: Restore NuGet packages
        run: nuget restore JumpStart.sln
      - name: Build
        run: msbuild JumpStart.sln /p:Configuration=${{ inputs.buildConfiguration }}

The top part of the file within on section receives the parameters from a calling workflow. Within jobs, we specify steps to take. Important clause – uses – executes an action from the repository of published actions.

The codebase is open so you may take a lookup for a better understanding of what it is doing and how parameters are being used, for example, we’re passing buildConfiguration parameter down to the action in order to define if we need to debug or release.

Now let’s take a look at a more advanced workflow Deploy the solution and items to an XM Cloud instance:

name: Deploy the solution and items to an XM Cloud instance

        type: string


    name: Deploy the XM Cloud ${{ inputs.environmentName }} Site
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v2
    - run: dotnet tool restore
    - run: dotnet sitecore --help
    - name: Authenticate CLI with XM Cloud
      run: dotnet sitecore cloud login --client-credentials --client-id ${{ secrets.XM_CLOUD_CLIENT_ID }} --client-secret ${{ secrets.XM_CLOUD_CLIENT_SECRET }} --allow-write
    - name: Deploy the CM assets to XM Cloud
      run: |
        result=$(dotnet sitecore cloud deployment create --environment-id ${{ secrets.XM_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT_ID }} --upload --json)
        echo $result
        isTimedOut=$(echo $result | jq ' .IsTimedOut')
        isCompleted=$(echo $result | jq ' .IsCompleted')
        if [ $isTimedOut = true]
            echo "Operation Timed Out."
            exit -1
        if ! [ $isCompleted = true]
            echo "Operation Failed."
            exit -1
        echo "Deployment Completed"

Please pay attention to actions/setup-dotnet@v2 – it relies on this codebase and you pass the desired dotnet version as the parameter to it: with: dotnet-version: '6.0.x'.

You can also execute commands within the context of an isolated VM where the steps execute, by using run clause, such as run: dotnet tool restore.

What is notable here is that Sitecore CLI is written with .NET Core which means it is truly cross-platform and may run on Mac and Linux. Therefore we may employ better lightweight runtimes for it with runs-on: ubuntu-latest clause, instead of using Windows-based runtime.

We may pass secrets right into the executed command and capture the execution results into a variable to process:

result=$(dotnet sitecore cloud deployment create --environment-id ${{ secrets.XM_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT_ID }} --upload --json)

Note, that we actually must do the above in order to receive the outcomes of the above command rather than a binary flag showing if it was executed or not. If the CLI commands execute in principle, it returns positive status code 0, while we need to process the output and throw status codes based on it.

TIP: Actions and workflows related to a specific git branch they belong to. However, they won’t be seen in GitHub Action until you bring them to main branch. Once they reach main, they become seen from the UI and you can trigger and manually execute the workflows specifying any desired branch.

I already took care of the above so now can execute, this time manually:

Run Workflow

.. and the result:

Provision Xmc Workflow

After the execution completes we can optionally test the environments if they are up and running. They are good, and feature in my case three websites per each of the environments. These websites were provisioned from the serialization I’ve previously done, however, they only exist in these CM environments and have not yet been published.

Sites To Publish

You can do that by clicking Publish all sites button, however, I prefer using the command line:

# need to connect to the environment first
    dotnet sitecore cloud environment connect --environment-id STGqNKHBXMEENSWZIVEbQ
    dotnet sitecore publish --pt Edge -n Staging
    dotnet sitecore cloud environment connect --environment-id PRDukrgzukQPp0CVOOKFhM
    dotnet sitecore publish --pt Edge -n Production

After publishing is complete, we can optionally verify it using GrpahQL IDE and generate an Edge token to be used as the Sitecore API Key. Both could be done by running New-EdgeToken.ps1 script which will generate and output a token and then launch GraphQL IDE to test it.

Configuring Vercel

For the sake of an experiment, I am using my personal “hobby”-tier Vercel account. Of course, you don’t have to use Vercel and can consider other options, such as Netlify, Azure Static Web Apps, or AWS Amplify. I am going to talk about configuring those in later posts, but today will focus on Vercel.

Let’s navigate to Account Settings. There we need to obtain two parameters:

  • Vercel ID from the General tab
  • A token that allows external apps to control Vercel account, under the Tokens tabAccount Settings Tokens

I am going to create two projects in it, named staging-jumpstart and production-jumpstart which will deploy under staging-jumpstart.vercel.app and production-jumpstart.vercel.app hostnames correspondingly. To do so firstly I need to provide a relevant source code repository, in my case that would be obviously GitHub. Other than that it requires choosing the implemented framework (Next.js) and providing a path to the source folder of Next.js app, which it nicely auto-recognized and highlights with Next.js icon. Finally, we need to provide at least three environmental variables:

  • JSS_APP_NAME – in my case it is jumpstart.
  • GRAPH_QL_ENDPOINT which is a known value https://edge.sitecorecloud.io/api/graphql/v1
  • SITECORE_API_KEY which we obtained at a previous step from running New-EdgeToken.ps1 script.

Vercel Setup Project

Clicking Deploy after submitting the above will deploy the website and it will be already accessible by the hostname, correctly pulling the layout data from Experience Edge because:

  • we already published all the sites for each environment to Experience Edge, so it is available from there
  • we instructed the site on how to pull the data from Edge with a combination of JSS_APP_NAME, GRAPH_QL_ENDPOINT, and SITECORE_API_KEY.

Vercel Projects

At this stage we can celebrate yet another milestone and will grab a Project ID parameter from each of these deployed sites – staging-jumpstart and production-jumpstart in my case:

Result Production Deploy Vercel After Creation And Passing Tokens

Build and Deploy Next.js app

Finally, we got enough to configure another workflow for building and deploying Next.js application. The syntax is the same as we did for XM Cloud workflow.

We need to provide a workflow the following parameters, and we have them all:

  • VERCEL_ORG_ID to specify which Vercel account it applies to
  • VERCEL_TOKEN so that it becomes able to control a given Vercel account

Homework: you can go ahead and parametrize this script for even better re-usability passing site name as a parameter, from a caller workflow.

name: Build & Deploy - JumpStart Site

    branches:[ JumpStart ]
      - .github/workflows/CI-CD_JumpStart.yml
      - .github/workflows/build_NextJs.yml
      - .github/workflows/deploy_vercel.yml
      - 'src/jumpstart/**'
    branches:[ JumpStart ]
      - .github/workflows/CI-CD_JumpStart.yml
      - .github/workflows/build_NextJs.yml
      - .github/workflows/deploy_vercel.yml
      - 'src/jumpstart/**'

  # if: github.ref != 'refs/heads/JumpStart'
  uses: ./.github/workflows/build_NextJs.yml
    workingDirectory: ./src/jumpstart

    uses: ./.github/workflows/deploy_vercel.yml
    needs: build-jumpstart-site
    if: always() &&
      github.repository_owner == 'PCPerficient' && needs.build-jumpstart-site.result != 'failure' && needs.build-jumpstart-site.result != 'cancelled'
      VERCEL_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.VERCEL_TOKEN }}
      VERCEL_ORG_ID: ${{ secrets.VERCEL_ORG_ID }}

    uses: ./.github/workflows/deploy_vercel.yml
    needs: build-jumpstart-site
    if: always() &&
      github.repository_owner == 'PCPerficient' && needs.build-jumpstart-site.result != 'failure' && needs.build-jumpstart-site.result != 'cancelled'
      VERCEL_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.VERCEL_TOKEN }}
      VERCEL_ORG_ID: ${{ secrets.VERCEL_ORG_ID }}

There are three jobs here, with the last two running in parallel:

  • build-jumpstart-site
  • deploy-jumpstart-staging
  • deploy-jumpstart-production

Build job:

name: Build a Next.js Application

      type: string

    name: Build the NextJs Application
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      FETCH_WITH: GraphQL
        working-directory: ${{ inputs.workingDirectory }}
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
      - run: npm install
      - run: npm run build
      - run: npm run lint

Deploy job:

name: Deploy asset to Vercel


    name: Deploy the rendering host to Vercel
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Setup Node.js
        uses: actions/setup-node@v3
          node-version: lts/*
      - uses: amondnet/vercel-action@v20
          vercel-token: ${{ secrets.VERCEL_TOKEN }}
          vercel-args: ${{ fromJSON('["--prod", ""]')[github.ref != 'refs/heads/JumpStart']}}
          vercel-org-id: ${{ secrets.VERCEL_ORG_ID}}
          vercel-project-id: ${{ secrets.VERCEL_PROJECT_ID}}
          scope: ${{ secrets.VERCEL_ORG_ID}}
          working-directory: ./

At this stage, you’ve got and learned everything enough to implement the above approach for your own XM Cloud solution.

Visual Code Extension

The good news is that GitHub Action has an extension for VS Code which allows to manage workflows and runs:

  • Manage your workflows and runs without leaving your editor.
  • Keep track of your CI builds and deployments.
  • Investigate failures and view logs.
  1. Install the extension from the Marketplace.
  2. Sign in with your GitHub account and when prompted allow GitHub Actions access to your GitHub account.
  3. Open a GitHub repository.
  4. You will be able to utilize the syntax features in Workflow files, and you can find the GitHub Actions icon on the left navigation to manage your Workflows.

Hope you enjoyed the simplicity of GitHub Actions and will consider implementing your solutions with it!

Sitecore gets presented at Awesome List

After 3 months pull-requests-rejections-football I managed to squeeze Sitecore to be presented at Awesome List.

Awesome List logo

What is awesome list?

An awesome list is a list of "awesome things" curated by the community. There are awesome lists about everything from CLI applications to fantasy books. The main repository serves as a curated list of awesome lists, each of them represents the whole world presented in the most friendly way. If you never heard about it, I highly recommend start navigating if from the home page and can guarantee you'll find much great things there.

Until 2020 the list has missed Sitecore, so that I've fixed that. Now the repository contains comprehensive and well classified list of all known GitHub repositories. I personally find it useful for random lookups for certain code for a specific domain upon the demand - that saves much time! But apart from that, it's nice having the whole list of all the open source implementations just to review all the variety of things people did with Sitecore.

Existing categories

As for today, the whole Sitecore repositories are grouped into the below categories. I am leaving the direct links to each of them for the simplicity:

Everyone is welcome contributing to the repo as soon as you got any awesome stuff to add (by PR), but please be aware of the strict guidelines. 

Hope you find this list helpful!

Onero is now updated to version 1.2

Just have released a new version of Onero. So, what's new?

  • Re-worked UI - removed buttons from main screen in favour of main menu
  • Introduced Testing (settings) profiles - now settings, rules, forms etc. are individual for a profile
  • Created a base for future multiple browser supports (not only FF like now), currently on testing
  • Multiple bug fixes and minor improvements
Please update by the link: http://onero.martinmiles.net/files/Onero 1.2.zip

Looking forward to hear your feedbacks!

Sitecore Improvements project

I have done multiple Sitecore presentation and productivity improvements, so this time I decided to unite them all under the same umbrella in GitHub, and this blog post will go through all of them.

1. Sitecore Style Adjustments

2. Device Editors Shortcuts

3. Layout Details Shortcuts

4. Presentation Exists Gutter

5. Publish Item Context Menu

6. Publish Item Ribbon Icon

7. Set Presentation Context Menu Icon

Packages can be downloaded below:

Sitecore 8.0 Style Adjustments-1.2.zip (29KB)
Sitecore 8.1 Style Adjustments-1.2.zip (28.9KB)
Device Editor Shortcuts 1.0.zip (8.6KB)
Layout Details Shortcuts 1.1.zip (10.8KB)
Presentation Exists Gutter 1.0.zip (12.7KB)
Publish Item Context Menu-1.0.zip (11.1KB)
Publish Item Ribbon Icon 1.0.zip (4.2KB)
Set Presentation Context Menu Item 1.0.zip (11.4KB)

Source code (and the docs / more packages) can be taken from project's GitHub page by the following link.

Hope you find this helpful!

Sitecore Personalization based on URL query string parameters

Once I was asked to personalize Sitecore component depending on custom URL query string parameter, to identify users coming by a promo campaign in order to display them slightly modified component reflecting campaign presentation. Easy, I thought, but in next couple minutes struggled to find that condition in Rules Engine. It is not in Sitecore, what a surprise!..

So, let's go through and see what conditions are in Sitecore and how you can create any custom condition you would ever imagine.

First of all, all stuff for Rules Engine is specified as Sitecore items underneath /sitecore/system/Settings/Rules folder. So let's create an item named Query String Value Presents of /sitecore/templates/System/Rules/Condition template within /sitecore/system/Settings/Rules/Conditional Renderings/Conditions/URL Query String Conditions folder. There are just two important fields we are going to set. Type field, as it is very common to Sitecore, specifies fully qualified class and assembly names, where business logic is implemented. Another, Text field, is more interesting on that stage - it shows wordings that would be presented to user when using his condition with Rules Engine. Here is what we set there:

Where the User [QueryStringName,,,QueryString Name] has a value that [operatorid,StringOperator,,compares to] [QueryStringValue,,,QueryString Value].

Pay attention to parameters in square brackets - they would be replaced by Rules Enging to selectors.

Now let's look at the code. Fom the item we ahave referenced the class.

public class QueryStringCondition<T> : StringOperatorCondition<T> where T : RuleContext

All derived condition classes should have same definition and derive from base StringOperatorCondition class. As the absolute minimal, we are to override just one Execute(T ruleContext) method. Additionally we must create public string properties named exactly the same as in parameters above from Text field from condition definition item in Sitecore.

public string QueryStringName { get; set; }
public string QueryStringValue { get; set; }
protected override bool Execute(T ruleContext)
    // process QueryStringName and QueryStringValue properties here
    // return true if personlization parameters falls within the condition 

QueryStringName and QueryStringValue would be auto-populated by Rules Engine.

With our next example we are trying to display an additional promo component when user access our website by URL with sourceId=campaign as parameters.

Full implementation of QueryStringCondition<T> class can be found on GitHub by this link.

Hope you find this helpful!

Productivity Improvement: Device Editor showing datasource and previewing that right from a pop-up click

After previous post on Layout Details dialog improvements, I decided to look even further and implement one more improvement that came into my head.

Another dialog window, probably most important in Content Editor is missing couple things I just decided to fix. That is a case when a screenshot is better than hundred words, so here is it:

What has been added is a datasource item path, immediately underneath rendering and placeholder. It is clickable in the same manner as from previous posts, immediately opening that (datasource) item for view and edit right in the popup window, that saves so much time!

Additionally, rendering / sublayout name became also clickable with the same item preview popup effect.

Download: please get the package and anti-package to revert changes. Source code is available at GitHub page by this link.

Known minor issue: if open Control Properties dialog from Device Editor, and when you return back from that dialog - look-up links will not work and control will return to default behavior, so you may need to re-open Device Editor again.
The reason for such a behavior is that on returning back, Sitecore runs a series of pipelines that eventually call original class from Sitecore.Client rather than the one we have overridden and referenced above. Fixing that requires patching original DLL and I highly wanted to avoid inclining into any original functionality (moreover, you are not likely allowed to do that by license)

Productivity Improvement: Creating a Presentation Exists Gutter - get even faster access to item's Presentation Details

Previously I have described how easily you can create a shortcut to Device Editor of Presentation Details right at the item's Context Menu - access that as much as in two clicks! But there's even easier (and more visual) way - create a specific Sitecore Gutter.
So, what Gutters are? Gutters are sort of visual markers you can optionally enable / disable in your Content Editor. Have you seen a vertical bar, immediately left hand side from Sitecore tree? That is a Gutters Area and once you do right click on it - you may enable / disable some gutters already installed. Also, gutters can be clickable, and on click handler you may also call Sitecore commands, so why not to call our familiar item:setlayoutdetails that opens Device Editor dialog for corresponding item?

So, let's create our own gutter. Every gutter is configured within core database under /sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Gutters folder. We are going to create a new item called ... derived from /sitecore/templates/Sitecore Client/Content editor/Gutter Renderer template (all gutters derive from that one). There are only two fields we need to set there - Header which is just a gutter name and Type - fully qualified class name:

So now let's implement PresentationExists class. Briefly, every gutter derives from GutterRenderer class which returns GutterIconDescriptor object when gutter should be shown next to corresponded item otherwise just null. Implementation below checks whether current item has a Layout associated, and if yes - it returns a GutterIconDescriptor with a item:setlayoutdetails command for that item.
public class PresentationExists : GutterRenderer
    protected override GutterIconDescriptor GetIconDescriptor(Item item)
        if (item != null)
            var layoutField = item.Fields[Sitecore.FieldIDs.LayoutField];
            var layoutDefinition = LayoutDefinition.Parse(LayoutField.GetFieldValue(layoutField));

            if (layoutDefinition != null && layoutDefinition.Devices.Count > 0)
                GutterIconDescriptor gutterIconDescriptor = new GutterIconDescriptor
                    Icon = "Applications/32x32/window_colors.png",
                    Tooltip = Translate.Text("Presentation is set for this item.")

                if (item.Access.CanWrite() && !item.Appearance.ReadOnly)
                    gutterIconDescriptor.Click = string.Format("item:setlayoutdetails(id={0})", item.ID);
                return gutterIconDescriptor;

        return null;
So as soon as you compile and place resulting DLL under <web_root>\bin folder, your gutter wil work like below:

Clicking that icon will immediately show Device Editor dialog. Job's done!

Downloads: you can access source code at Sitecore Improvements project GitHub page, or you can download ready-to-use package by this link.

Please note: improperly implemented gutters may affect performance of Content Editor, as the code above runs for each item. So please be extremely attentive on what you're doing within GetIconDescriptor() method.

Sitecore Boilerplate - the repository of best practices all at the same place

I decided to create an ultimate "boilerplate" solution for Sitecore, implementing all the best Sitecore practices in one place, well documented and cross-linked with the support on this blog.

As a multi-language website with Experience Editor (ex. Page Editor) support utilizing with Glass Mapper, Lucene indexes and test-driven codebase and much more working well all together - it will be a perfect place for newbies to familiarize themselves with Sitecore platform. It aims also to simplify work of more senior Sitecore developers in terms of quickly searching for desired features and grabbing them into their working solutions.

The project originated out of my R&D activities as I decided it would be beneficial to share my workouts with Sitecore community. Any suggestions, comments and criticism are highly welcome!

List of the features I desire to supply into Sitecore boilerplate:

  • Support for Page Editor
  • Usage of Glass Mapper for ORM purposes
  • Unit testable code
  • Synchronization of user-editable content from CD environment to CM and further re-publish to the rest of CDs
  • Support for multi-language environment
  • Custom Lucene indexes
  • Custom personalisation of components and data
  • Workflows based on user permissions
  • Make all mentioned above working together as a solid and stable website
  • Implement new Sitecore 8 marketing features on top of that

.. for the moment I have planned and implemented several of mentioned features as a starting point, so it is coming soon on GitHub and further blog posts here.