I working on a rendering variant in order to implement a component similar to the one below:

The component should display a heading title, followed by a list of promo blocks leading to the other pages. What is important here, is that different page types can be assigned into given component, of course they all do implement _Promotable interface template that has fields allowing them being promoted through this component. So far, so good.
But notice, each promo block has its type in left top corner painted into appropriate color. The values of it (article, topic, blog) are actually types of the pages, they do not present in generic _Promotable interface template, but do match template names, so why not to expose template names for these fields?
The easiest way of doing that is to create a label for each of the page type and assign it corresponding CSS class to display in appropriate color.

Then we may use built in Rules Engine in order to create a rules for each of these page type labels to be shown only if the item template matches given page type. Here's how it looks in Content Editor:

Note! If you cannot access your condition through SXA built-in Rule Engine, you need to assign tag to Conditional Renderings tags (/sitecore/system/Settings/Rules/Conditional Renderings

Also, there is another way of achieving the same goat - using NVelocity templates: create a Variant Template field and expose current template name:

That will also work since type badge matches name of page template in our case, but will need some extra work to wire up CSS class, that should derive from template name in this or that way.