Blog content 1. January 2025 Martin Miles (0) Reviewing my 2024 Sitecore MVP contributions XM Cloud content migration: connecting external database The correct way of creating own components with XM Cloud Keeping your own XM Cloud repository in sync with official XM Cloud starter kit template GitHub Action with XM Cloud XM Cloud: a modern way to content management and import with Authoring GraphQL API Full guide to enabling Headless Multisite Add-On for your XM Cloud solution XM Cloud Forms Builder released Using conditions with XM Cloud Form Builder A full guide to creating a multi-language sites with Sitecore XM Cloud and Next.js A crash course of Next.js: rendering strategies and data fetching (part 1) A crash course of Next.js: UI-related and environmental (part 2) A crash course of Next.js: Routing and Middleware (part 3) A crash course of Next.js: Caching, Authentication and Going Live tasks (part 4) A crash course of Next.js: TypeScript (part 5) A crash course of GraphQL – from Zero to Hero GraphQL: not an ideal one! Tunneling out Sitecore 10.3 from a local machine containers for the full global access LTSC2022 images for Sitecore containers released: what does it mean to me? Content Hub One full review: good, bad and ugly The ultimate guide to Sitecore XM Cloud Sifon - the easiest way of installing Sitecore XM/XP to your local machine Sitecore Edge considerations for sitemap Sitecore 10.3 is out! What's new? My learnings from project management and lead experience mistakes I came across My speech proposal for SUGCON ANZ: Developers' guide to XM Cloud Infrastructure-as-Code: best practices you have to comply with Sitecore Edge and XM Cloud - explain it to me as I was 5 OrderCloud Certification - tips on preparation for the successful pass My SUGCON 2022 Presentation: The Mastery of Sitecore Upgrades Content Hub Administrator and Developer Certification - tips on preparation and successful pass Sifon 1.2.6 released with Sitecore 10.2 and Windows 11 support Applying vulnerability fix to containerized environments Troubleshooting Marketing Automation service start for XP 10.2 installation on Windows 11 10+2 features of Sitecore 10.2 you must be aware of Sitecore 10 .NET Fundamental Developer Certification Exam is now available Things beginners get incorrect about Kubernetes Sym Proposal: сonverting Sitecore back-end developer skills for JSS & Next.js Evolutional approach to Next.js and its modes Sitecore gets presented at Awesome List A PROPER way of validating models passed into a view Advanced editing: managing dynamic popups from custom RTE dialog A nice way of using HTML Helper for accessing Rendering Parameters along with Glass Mapper Sum-up of my PowerShell experience. Best practices XBlog on Sitecore 10.1? That's possible! Upgrading Sitecore like a Pro HTTPS, SSL and TLS FAQs Everything you wanted to ask about "Items-as-Resources" coming with new Sitecore 10.1 A useful admin-folder page that helps testing Active Directory claims mapping Sharing Sitecore Identity Server between two independent instances of Sitecore What is a Reverse Proxy and what do you need one for? The easiest way of installing Solr cores for SXA search All you need to know about Sitecore 10 Cannot use a Hyper-V disk VHDX image you've been shared with? That's how to manage it properly Why CNAB could be a game-changer for Docker containers and how Sitecore can benefit from that? Sitecore RSS Feed revised by using Content Search API instead of unproductive Sitecore Query Walkthrough: Using Publishing Targets in order to create a preview environment with Sitecore 9.3 Sitecore Docker breaks when running Build.ps1 with "hcsshim::PrepareLayer failed in Win32" message Tip of the day: running Sitecore Docker from within Hyper-V virtual machine is in fact possible Welcome Sifon - a must-have tool for any Sitecore developer,to simplify most of you day-to-day DevOps Uploading scheduled auto-backups of editors content for Helix / SXA website into Azure Blob storage Implementing blogs index page with filters and paging: SXA walkthrough Boosting productivity with Sitecore by employing user scripts on an example of SXA activities Staying productive on Sitecore development Running IIS on local Windows Nano Server in Hyper-V rather than in docker Starting with Docker and Sitecore SUGCON 2019 Takeaways Script Reference Tag coming to improve your SEO Adding Show Config icon to Sitecore Launchpad Productivity improvement: implementing Expand all and Collapse all buttons to Content Editor Implementing Sitecore security domain role multi-selector field Image tag wrapped with anchor both having own classes but without any unwanted component wrappings, easy? Not OOB in SXA, but here's the fix! Walktrough: creating a footer for SXA website implementing a precisely demanded front end markup How to add id and data-attributes to a Rendering Variant in SXA? Script rendering variant field in SXA and why would one need it Welcome Item Reference - a rendering variant field missing out of the box in SXA SXA: Implementing URL query parameter rendering variant with little efforts Troubleshooting SXA "Failed to render rendering. Message: An unhandled exception occurred. Source: Sitecore.Mvc" What is Query Variant Field to be used with rendering variants and few real-life scenarios of using it How to make a link to downloadable media item from within SXA rendering variant? Creating custom SXA component with rendering variants and (almost) no codebehind on an example of social share buttons SXA tip: use information scaffolding fields to get visibility over your components in Experience Editor Creating a custom rendering variant section to render an element with a background image I have been awarded the Sitecore Most Valuable Professional Technology Award in 2019 - Sitecore MVP Rule missing OOB in Sitecore, where the Experience Editor is in editing mode Quick tip: using rules engine for SXA rendering variants SXA built-in token tools to be used with rendering variant templates Which certificates (and where to) got installed with Sitecore 9.1? Configuring search indexes for SXA 1.8 SXA tokens for datasource queries - a cheatsheet Troubleshooting Solr populate schema for Sitecore Commerce 9.0 update 3 installation Mythical SXA body-top placeholder shown in Experience Editor Fixing issues preventing one having solution with SXA 1.8 along with Sitecore XP 9.0 update 2 SIF certificate error: Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'Signer'. Cannot convert the "System.Object[]" value of type "System.Object[]" to type "System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2" Extracting package installation functionality out of Sitecore Commerce 9 SIF Troubleshooting Sitecore Commerce 9 installation Amazing Sitecore PowerShell Extension Remoting - a quick start to make it work Sitecore PowerShell Extension snippets collection WebApi and ServicesClient minimal project modules skeletons How to use Install-SitecoreConfiguration from SIF with your custom configuration on an example of installing SPE and SXA along with Sitecore One of the first Sitecore 9 solutions ever reached the production Field level deny permissions in Helix based on Habitat and how that affects your workflows? Some useful batch and PowerShell snippets helping Sitecore automation Configuring role and localenv variables in Sitecore 9 - PowerShell way Separating content items from definition using Unicorn's NewItemsEvaluator Creating XML Sitemap for the Helix solution Handling 404 in Helix Fixing: Sitecore 9 installer unable to connect to Solr server, while it is available Adding Unicorn icon to Sitecore Launchpad Creating a simple workflow in Helix How Apply-Xml-Transform works in Helix / Habitat Get rid of IIS Express processes when debugging Helix solutions Introducing Sitecore Discussion Club Updating Sitecore 9 with Helix to 9.0 update 1 (rev. 171219) Searchable list of Sitecore modules as well as their authors Routine for renaming a Helix module How to make Glass Mapper working with Sitecore 9 and Helix Sitecore gives 60 days of trial for developers 10 Useful tricks for Helix development Helix working on Sitecore 9 Introducing Sitecore Telegram Sitecore Cheat Sheets Symposium 2017 and takeaways Few SQL tricks helping to work with Sitecore Sitecore 9 is out there Updating existing presentation details of base template's standard values after it has been set on derived templates SUGCon 2017 insights and takeaways Helix + Glass Mapper + T4 Templates = Code Generation Helix: An approach for restoring WebRoot to an initial state of vanilla Sitecore installation Creating "Change item ID" module. Part 1 - Identifying the requirements Creating "Change item ID" module. Part 2 - The implementation Creating "Change item ID" module. Part 3 - What could be done better? Migrating existing code to Helix. Fixing invalid dynamic placeholders Know your tools: The easiest way to install Habitat - Habitat Solution Installer Know your tools: The easiest way to add a new project into your Helix solution Sussex Sitecore User Group welcomes you - 22nd March 2017 How to make Content Editor search by plain GUIDs without braces and dashes? (part 1) How to make Content Editor search by plain GUIDs without braces and dashes? (part 2) Got a handy new tool for "finding ends" of presentation items - Rendering Chrome for Components Becoming a Sitecore MVP! Why am I getting "Item is not a template" error on data items in Content Editor? Sitecore Link project - summing up the year 2016 and greatest plans for 2017 Media Aliases in Sitecore 8.2 Update 1 Helix project, MVC routing and the form posting back to controller. Part 1 - Prerequisites Helix project, MVC routing and the form posting back to controller. Part 2 - Creating a form Helix project, MVC routing and the form posting back to controller. Part 3 - Adding validation November Sitecore London User Group Back to blogging after a while Learning Sitecore Habitat Sitecore Technical User Group UK - January 2016 - Download presentations I join "The Monads" team at the Sitecore Hackathon 2016! What about you? Onero is now updated to version 1.2 How to use Onero with Sitecore Using Onero with non-Sitecore websites - testing Transport for London website Sitecore have released 8.1 update 1 and strongly urges customer to upgrade Welcome Onero Page Runner - now with Sitecore support! StackOverflow: Sitecore Development on Mac All Sitecore References - at one place! Sitecore XP 8 Upgrade for .NET Developers training - How was that? StackOverflow: Sitecore 8.1 bug - Launchpad brings HTTP 500 errors and several icons including FXM are missing Sitecore 8.1: what does new CMS-only mode mean? Sitecore Improvements project Sitecore 8.1 has been released! StackOverflow: How to use Redirect Module in Sitecore Sitecore Personalisation based on URL query string parameters StackOverflow 2 questions on Multi-Site configuration: Multisite Best Practice for setting up Visual Studio Project and Manage web.config in multisite solution Productivity improvement: Device Editor showing datasource and previewing that right from a pop-up click Productivity Improvement: Layout Details - click an icon to look-up or modify layouts / sublayouts / renderings Creating a Presentation Exists Gutter - get even faster access to item's Presentation Details StackOverflow: Can a multilingual Sitecore 6 web page have an alias for each language? Item not published. Why? Let's troubleshoot that! StackOverflow: Need clarity on Sitecore template values, standard values, and branch templates Version Layouts - what is that for? StackOverflow: Sitecore FXM issue - parent selector is missing in Add to Placeholder dialog StackOverflow: Including MVC in existing Sitecore Project Sitecore Item Extension Methods Sitecore 8: Federated Experience Manager - what is all about? StackOverflow: Adding route in Application_Start Basics: working with generic content in Sitecore Sitecore 8.0 Update 5 is releasedUnicorn - the simplest way to share Sitecore items in the source control along with your code Sitecore with SEO: overview and compare ways for managing duplicate content Mass update of field value for all existing items of certain template - two ways of achieving result PowerShell Module issue - NullReferenceException when trying to open PowerShell ISE StackOverflow: How to edit template content properties via Sitecore Rocks? Best way to master Rocks - start using it guided by Sitecore Rocks Cheat Sheet Sitecore 8: re-indexing errors out and module installation never ends without MongoDB running Understanding Buckets: adding new items to buckets correctly How to host several sites within the same Sitecore instance without specifying a hostname, just on different ports Tip: copying Presentation Details manually Web Forms for Marketers 8.0 - missing Save to Database action and making it work with SQL database again Sitecore extensions for Google Chrome review Fixing unfriendly default Sitecore 8 styles from huge elements, padding, spacings, and few more improvements (package) The quickest access to Layout Details dialog of Presentation Details SwitchMasterToWeb.config for Sitecore 8 How to check your license in Sitecore StackOverflow: Is it possible to change a Page to branch? Sitecore xDB Cloud: don't want to mess with xDB? Let Sitecore do that for you! Software every good Sitecore developer should be aware of Sitecore Boilerplate - the repository of best practices all at the same place How websites are resolved with Sitecore - the essentials Editing content on a CD server. Part 1. MVC ajax request to controller Editing content on a CD server. Part 2. Using Event Queue to sync CD data with CM Wildcard items ("*"-pages) with MVC, passing the correct datasources based on requested item URL Sitecore Desktop usability improvements Know your tools: SIM - Sitecore Instance Manager IIS URL Rewrite module - few SEO tricks IIS and URL Rewrite module working as Reverse Proxy Debugging and inspecting Sitecore libraries Sitecore tips Sitecore.Kernel and Sitecore.MVC delivered via a NuGet library Attach to IIS - debugging Sitecore with just one hotkey! API - Useful IDisposable context switchers [Updatable] API snippets - the basics Case study: Collection database for Metropolitan Museum of Art (NYC) So, don't miss out! 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