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Experience Sitecore !

More than 200 articles about the best DXP by Martin Miles

LTSC2022 images for Sitecore containers released: what does it mean to me?

Exciting news! Sitecore kept the original promise and released the new ltsc2022 container images for all the topologies of both the 10.3 and 10.2 versions of their platform.

The biggest benefits of new images are improved image sizes – almost 50% smaller than ltsc2019, and support for running Process Isolation on Windows 11.

Check it yourself:

So, what does that mean for developers and DevOps?

First and most, running Sitecore 10.3 on Windows Server 2022 is now officially supported. You may consider upgrading your existing solutions to benefit from Server 2022 runtime.

Developers working on Windows 11 now also got so much wanted support, containers built from the new images can run in Process isolation mode without a hypervisor. That brings your cluster performance to nearly bare metal metrics.

Let's try it in action!

I decided to give it a try and test if that would work and how effectively. I recently purchased a new Microsoft Surface  8 Pro laptop which had Windows 11 pre-installed and therefore useless for my professional purposes, so it seems to be excellent test equipment.

After initial preparation and installing all the prerequisites, I was ready to go. Choosing the codebase I decided to go with the popular Sitecore Containers Template for JSS Next.js apps and Sitecore 10.3 XM1 topology, as the most proven and well-preconfigured starter kit.

Since I initialized my codebase with -Topology XM1 parameter, all the required container configurations are located under /MyProject/run/sitecore-xm1 folder. We are looking for .env file which stores all the necessary parameters.

The main change to do here is setting these two environmental settings to benefit from ltsc2022 images:


The other important change in .env file would be changing to ISOLATION=process. Also, please note that TRAEFIK_ISOLATION=hyperv stays unchanged due to a lack of ltsc2022 support for Traefik, so sadly you still need to have Hyper-V installed on this machine. The difference is that it serves only Traefik, the rest of Sitecore resources will work in the Process mode.

I also did a few optional improvements upgrading important components to their recent versions:


Also, changed node to reflect the recent LTS version:


Please note, that sitecore-docker-tools-assets did not get any changes from the previous version of Sitecore (10.2), so I left it untouched.

Last thing – to make sure I indeed build and run in the Process isolation mode, I set ISOLATION=process changing this value from default. The rest of .env file was correctly generated for me by Init.ps1 script.

All changes complete, let’s hit .\up.ps1 in PowerShell terminal with administrative mode and wait until it downloads and builds images:

Advanced Part: building Traefik with ltsc2022

Now, let's get rid of the only left 1809-based container, which is Traefik. Luckily, its Dockerfile is available, so I can rewrite it to consume ltsc2022 images. In addition, I took the latest (by the time) version of it which is 2.9.8, while the officially supported is 2.2.0, so it would make sense to parametrize the version as well, taking its settings from .env settings.

I created a new docker\build\traefik folder and ended up with the following Dockerfile within there:

FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:${IMAGE_OS}

SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]

RUN Invoke-WebRequest \
        -Uri "https://github.com/traefik/traefik/releases/download/$env:VERSION/traefik_${env:VERSION}_windows_amd64.zip" \
        -OutFile "/traefik.zip"; \
    Expand-Archive -Path "/traefik.zip" -DestinationPath "/" -Force; \
    Remove-Item "/traefik.zip" -Force

ENTRYPOINT [ "/traefik" ]

# Metadata
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.vendor="Traefik Labs" \
    org.opencontainers.image.url="https://traefik.io" \
    org.opencontainers.image.source="https://github.com/traefik/traefik" \
    org.opencontainers.image.title="Traefik" \
    org.opencontainers.image.description="A modern reverse-proxy" \
    org.opencontainers.image.version=$env:VERSION \

Because of that I also had to update the related docker-compose section of docker-compose.override.yml file:

    isolation: ${ISOLATION}
    image: ${REGISTRY}traefik:${TRAEFIK_VERSION}-servercore-${EXTERNAL_IMAGE_TAG_SUFFIX}
      context: ../../docker/build/traefik
      - ../../docker/traefik:C:/etc/traefik
    - rendering

What I want to pay attention here - I am now using ${ISOLATION} as the rest of the containers are using instead of dedicated TRAEFIK_ISOLATION which can now be removed from .env.

Another thing is that I am passing fully parametrized image name:


I intentionally do not prefix it with ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME} so that this image becomes reusable between several solutions on the same machine, which saves some disk drive space.

Last step would be adding .env parameter TRAEFIK_VERSION=v2.9.8 and removing TRAEFIK_IMAGE parameter which is no longer needed. Good to go!

Outcomes and verdict

I tested all of the important features of the platform, including Experience Editor and it all works, and what is especially important – works impressively fast with the Process isolation mode. And since all the containers are built with ltsc2022 and run in Process isolation, one doesn't need Hyper-V at all!

As for me, I ended up having a nice and powerful laptop suitable for modern Sitecore headless operations.

Enjoy faster development!

Cannot use a Hyper-V disk VHDX image you've been shared with? That's how to manage it properly

Cannot use a Hyper-V disk VHDX image you've been shared with? It can be your colleague's shared VM or a disk exported from Azure VM. Below I am going to describe the steps required to managed it properly.

The first thing one is likely to perform is either importing this disk or creating a new VM without disk and attaching it later. Despite it seems absolutely valid, that will end up with:

If you see the above error it means you've most likely created a VM of 2-nd Generation of Hyper-V, and attached you drive to it. That won't work, but why?

To answer this question let's define the difference between both generations. The main fact about Generation 1 is that it emulates hardware - all required hardware components must be emulated to make the virtual machine work! Special software that can imitate the behaviour of real hardware is included in Hyper-V, as a result the VM can operate with virtual devices. Emulated hardware (that behaves identical to real hardware) includes drivers to most operating systems in order to provide high compatibility.

Generation 1 the emulation works way less productive compared to native equipment and has numerous limitations. Among those:

  • a legacy network adapter
  • IDE controllers with only 2 devices could be attached to each
  • MBR with max disk size of 2TB and not more than 4 partitions.

The 2-nd Generation uses:

  • GPT support (without size and partitions legacy limit) and Secure Boot
  • because of the above - VMs boot (and operate) much faster
  • fewer legacy devices and new faster synthetic hardware used instead
  • better CPU and RAM consumption

UEFI is not just a replacement of BIOS, UEFI extends support of devices and features, including GPT (GUID Partition Table).

Secure Boot is a feature that allows protection against modifying boot loaders and main system files, done by comparing the digital signatures that must be trusted by the OEM.

The solution is quite simple.

What you need to do is create a 1-st Generation VM (without creating a new disk drive) and reference existing VHDX file. That would work and OS will load (slowly but will do). The laziest person would probably stop at this stage, but we progress ahead with converting it to the 2-nd Generation VM. But, how do we?

All you need to do is convert legacy BIOS to UEFI running the following command executed within a 1-st Generation VM:

mbr2gpt.exe /convert /allowFullOS

Please pay attention to the warning: since now you need to boot in UEFI mode.

Now you can turn off the Windows VM, delete existing 1-st Generation VS from Hyper-V Manager (but not the disk drive!), and then create a new 2-nd Generation VM referencing the converted VHDX disk image. Also make sure the attached hard Drive stands first for at the boot sequence order (Firmware tab) and also you may want unchecking Enable Secure Boot switch from the Security tab.

Now you may successfully start your received Hard Drive with a fast and reliable 2-nd Generation VM that manages resources of your host machine in a much reliable and savvy way!