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More than 200 articles about the best DXP by Martin Miles

Using conditions with XM Cloud Form Builder

If you follow the release news from Sitecore, you’ve already noted the release of highly awaited XM Cloud Forms, which however did not have a feature of adding conditional logic. Until now.

The good news is that now we can do it, and here’s how.

See it in action

Imagine you have a registration form and want to ask if your clients want to receive the email. To do so you add two additional fields at the bottom:

  • a checkbox for users to define if they want to receive these emails
  • a dedicated email input field for leaving the email address

Obviously, you want to validate the email address input as normal and make it required. At the same time you want this field to only play on with a checkbook being checked, otherwise being ignored and ideally hidden.

Once we set both Required and Hidden properties, there is a hint appears saying that we cannot have them both together as it simply creates a deadlock – something I mentioned in my earlier review of XM Cloud Forms builder


So, how we achieve that?

From now on, there is an additional Logic tab that you can leverage to add some additional logic to your forms.


Let’s see what can do with it:

  • you can add new pieces of logic
  • apply multiple conditions within the piece of logic and define if all must comply or just any of them (logical “AND” and “OR”)
  • you can create groups of conditions to combine multiple OR logic clauses to work against the same single AND condition
  • for each condition, select a particular field of application from a dropdown
  • define what requirements you want to meet with it from another dropdown, which is content-specific:
    • strict match
    • begins or ends with
    • contains
    • checked / unchecked
    • etc.
  • not just having multiple conditional logic, you can also have multiple fields logic within a single condition with the same “and / “or”

Once all conditions are met, you execute the desired action against a specified field:


Coming back to a form with an optional email subscription defined by a checkbox, I created the following rule:


The conditional logic rules engine is very much intuitive and human-readable. I do not even need to explain the above screenshot as it is naturally self-explanatory. So, how does it perform? Let’s run Preview and see it in action.

When running the form as normal, we only see a checkbox disabled by default and can submit it straight away:


But checking Email me updates and promotions tick enables Email field, which is Required. The form won’t submit with an invalid email address until the checkbox is checked.


My expectation for the conditional logic was applying conditions for multipage forms at the page level. Say, I have a first page having some sort of branching condition, so that if the user meets it – it gets to pages 2 and 3, but if not – only page 4, with both branching ending up at page 5. Unfortunately, I did not find a way of doing that. Hopefully, the development teams will add this in the future, given how progressively and persistently they introduce new features. In any case, what we’ve been given today is already a very powerful tool that allows us to create really complicated steams of input user data.

XM Cloud Forms Builder

XM Cloud Forms Builder released

Composable Forms Builder is now available with Sitecore XM Cloud. Let’s take a look at this one of the most anticipated modules for Sitecore’s flagship hybrid headless cloud platform.

Historically, we had an external module called Web Forms for Marketers that one could install on top of their Sitecore instance in order to gain the desired functionality of collecting user input. This module was later well reconsidered and reworked, later finding its reincarnation as Sitecore Forms, an integral part of Sitecore platforms since version 9. Customers enjoyed this built-in solution provided along with their primary DXP, however with the headless architecture of XM Cloud there were no CD servers any longer, therefore no suitable place for saving the collected user input. There was clearly a need for a SaaS forms solution, and this gap if finally filled out!

An interesting fact: until the release of Forms with XM Cloud the relevant composable solution for interacting with the visitors was Sitecore Send, and because of that Sitecore logically decided to derive XM Cloud Form module from Sitecore Send codebase (as it already had plenty of the desired features), rather than from legacy Sitecore Forms.

Sitecore XM Cloud Forms

So, what we’ve got?

The main goal was to release a new Forms product as SaaS solution that integrates with any custom web front-end. The actual challenge was to combine the ultimate simplicity of creating and publishing forms for the majority of marketing professionals along with tailoring this offering optimized for typical headless projects. In my opinion, despite the complexities, it was well achieved!

Let’s first take a look at its desired/expected capabilities:

  • Template Library
  • Work with Components Builder
  • Use external datasources for pre-populating form
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Ability to create multi-step and multi-page forms
  • Conditional logic (not available yet)

One would ask, if there’s no CD server or any managed backend at all, where does the submission go into? There might be some SaaS-provided storage along with the required interface to manage the collected input. Incorrect! There’s none. It was actually a smart move by Sitecore developers who decided to kill two birds with one stone: save effort for not building a universal UI/UX with the tool that will hardly satisfy variable needs from such a diverse range of customers/industries, that would be hardly doable. But the second reason is more legit: avoid storing any Personally Identifiable Information data, so that it won’t be processed within XM Cloud, leaving particular implementation decisions to leave to customers’ discretion.

That is done in a very composable SaaS manner, offering you to configure a webhook, passing a payload of collected data to the desired system of your choice.


Upon the form submission, the webhook is triggered to submit the gathered data to the configured system, it could be a database, CRM, CDP, or whichever backend is for some form. Even more, you can have shared webhooks so that multiple forms can use the same configured webhook. Similarly to the legacy forms that submitted their data into xDB, the most logical choice would be using powerful Sitecore CDP for processing this data. However with webhooks, the use case of XM Cloud forms becomes truly universal, and if you combine it with Sitecore Connect – that could span to whichever integration gets provided by it.
Webhooks come with multiple authentication options, covering any potential backend requirement.

Let’s see it in action!

The editor looks and feels like XM Cloud Pages – similar styling, layout, and UI elements:
02 03

First, let’s pick up the layout by simply dragging and dropping it on a canvas. For simplicity, I selected Full Width Layout. Once there, you can start dropping fields to a chosen layout:

Available Fields:
  • Action Button
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Short Text
  • Long Text
  • Select (single dropdown)
  • Multi Select (where you can define the number of options, say selected 3 of 9)
  • Date
  • Number
  • Radio
  • Checkbox (single)
  • Checkbox Group
  • Terms & Conditions
Besides input-capturing elements, you can also define “passive” UI elements from underneath Basic expander:
  • Text
  • Spacer
  • Social Media – a set of clickable buttons to socials you define
  • Image, which has a pretty strong set of source options:
Media Upload options
Look at the variety of configuration options on the right panel. You can define:
  • Background Color within that field – transparent is the default one. You can even put a background image instead!
  • Settings for the field box shadows which also define Horizontal and Vertical Lengths, Blur and Spread Radiuses, and of course – the shadow color
  • Help text that is shown below and prompts some unobvious guidance you’d like a user to follow
  • For text boxes, you can set placeholder and prefill values
  • The field could be made mandatory and/or hidden by the correspondent checkboxes
  • Validation is controlled by a regex pattern and character length limit
  • Additionally, you can style pretty everything: field itself, label, placeholder, and help text, as well as set the overall padding to it

Please note, that at the current stage, the edited form is in a Draft state. Clicking Save button suggests you run your form in a Preview before saving, and that was very helpful – in my case, I left the Full Name field as a hidden field by mistake, and preview mode immediately showed me that. After fixing the visibility, I am good to go with saving.

The Forms home screen shows all the available forms. To Activate, I need to create a Webhook first, then assign it to the form. In addition, you define the action you want to do upon webhook submission – redirect to URL, display success message, or maybe – do nothing, as well as configure failure submission message.

This time Activate button works well and my form is listed as Active. From now on you cannot edit fields anymore and you cannot change the status back from Active. Therefore always verify your form in Preview before publishing.

Weirdly, you cannot even delete a form in Active status. What you can do however is a duplicate active form into a draft one, and you could go on with fields editing from there.

Forms listing

Testing Form

The most obvious desire at this stage is to real-test your form before usage. And luckily developers took care of that as well.

Testing webhook
I also created a webhook catcher with Pipedream RequestBin. On my first go, I faced a deadlock being unable to submit the form for the test. The reason for this was that I mistakenly checked both the Hidden and Required checkboxes on a field and could bo progress from there. Even the validation message did not show on a hidden field. Another mistake was that I overlooked that on Preview and published form into the active state. Hopefully, developers will find a solution to it sooner rather than later.

I give it another try to test how validation works:

Validation in action

Once validation passes, Test Form Submission dialog shows you the JSON payload as it goes out along with HTTP headers supplied with this webhook request. Let’s hit Submit button and see the confirmation – I chose to see a confirmation message that shows up.

Webhook catcher shows all my submitted data along with HTTP headers, everything was sent and received successfully!

webhook catcher

Multipage Forms

Multipage Forms are supported and that is impressive. Pay attention to the Add Page link button in between page canvases. Once activated, it also enforces Next button on non-final page canvases that trigger switching to the next form page:

What’s Next? Pages Editor!

Let’s use this newly created form from XM Cloud pages. Please note a new section called Forms under the Components tab. That is where all of your active forms reside. You can simply drag-drop this form to a desired placeholder, as you normally do in the Pages editor.

Consume Forms from Pages Editor

Please note: you must have your site deployed to an editing host running on Headless (JSS) SDK version 21.6 or newer to make it work – that is when XM Cloud Forms support was added. In other case, you face this error:

BYOC error before SDK 21.6

Experience Editor and Components Builder

Surprisingly, created forms are available from Components Builder:
Forms in Components Builder
However, Experience Editor does not have a direct way of consuming XM Cloud Forms. I tried the following chain of steps in order to make it work:
  1. Create and Activate a new form from Forms editor
  2. Consume it from the Components builder into a new component using BYOC, then publish this component
  3. Open Pages app, find the component with an embedded form you’ve built at step (2) and drop it to a page, then publish
  4. Open that same page in Experience Editor

Live Demo in Action

As you know, often a video is worth a thousand words, so here it is below. I’ve recorded the whole walkthrough from explaining to showcasing it all in action up to еhe most extreme example – when you create and publish a form, then consume it from the XM Cloud Components builder, making the part of a composite component, which in turn is used Pages editor to put down on a page which also opens up successfully in the Experience Editor. Unbelievable, and it all functions well. Just take a look yourself:

Developers Experience

As developers, how would we integrate forms into our “head” applications? That should work with a Forms BYOC component for your Next.js App coming out of the box with SDK. I spotted some traces of XM Cloud forms a while ago as a part of Headless JSS SDK 21.6.0 a while ago when it was in a state of “Canary” build. Now it got released and among the features, one can see an import of SitecoreForm component into the sample next.js app, as part of pull request merged into this release.

The documentation is available here, but … everything is so absolutely intuitive, that you hardly need one, don’t you?

Template Library

It is worth mentioning that XM Cloud Forms contains a Template Library handful of pre-configured forms you can use straight away or slightly modify as per your needs. There is an expectation it will grow with time covering any potential scenario one could ever have.
Template Library


Since Forms are bundled into XM Cloud they’re included with every XM Cloud subscription.

What is missing?

  • file upload feature is not supported – webhooks alone are not sufficient to handle it
  • ability for customization and extension – hopefully, it comes as there’s an empty section for custom fields

Hopefully, the product developers will implement these and more features in the upcoming releases. But even with what was released today, I really enjoyed XM Cloud Forms builder!