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Experience Sitecore !

More than 200 articles about the best DXP by Martin Miles

Productivity Improvement: Device Editor showing datasource and previewing that right from a pop-up click

After previous post on Layout Details dialog improvements, I decided to look even further and implement one more improvement that came into my head.

Another dialog window, probably most important in Content Editor is missing couple things I just decided to fix. That is a case when a screenshot is better than hundred words, so here is it:

What has been added is a datasource item path, immediately underneath rendering and placeholder. It is clickable in the same manner as from previous posts, immediately opening that (datasource) item for view and edit right in the popup window, that saves so much time!

Additionally, rendering / sublayout name became also clickable with the same item preview popup effect.

Download: please get the package and anti-package to revert changes. Source code is available at GitHub page by this link.

Known minor issue: if open Control Properties dialog from Device Editor, and when you return back from that dialog - look-up links will not work and control will return to default behavior, so you may need to re-open Device Editor again.
The reason for such a behavior is that on returning back, Sitecore runs a series of pipelines that eventually call original class from Sitecore.Client rather than the one we have overridden and referenced above. Fixing that requires patching original DLL and I highly wanted to avoid inclining into any original functionality (moreover, you are not likely allowed to do that by license)