Experience Sitecore ! | StackOverflow: Can a multilingual Sitecore 6 web page have an alias for each language?

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StackOverflow: Can a multilingual Sitecore 6 web page have an alias for each language?

Question on StackOverflow - can a multilingual Sitecore 6 web page have an alias for each language? (link to original question)

Can a multilingual Sitecore 6 content page have an alias for each language? It appears that I can only add one per content page. For instance, labour_market_survey.html has an english page and a french page:


But I can only give the content page one alias: http://www.site.ca/survey
How can I add a french alias, such as: http://www.site.ca/enquete ?
Answer: aliases are just sort of web-root-level "links" to certain items, mostly intended to use for marketing campaigns as short and friendly Tokens. To achieve what you want you may consider few options:
  1. If you have configured an individual website for each language - then you may create SiteAliasResolver processor for HttpBeginRequest pipeline. This will give you an option to have aliases on website level. Please reed this blog post describing how to achieve that (with code samples).

  2. Another option would be to use Redirect Module, as it will do exactly what you need. There was a question on Redirect Module recently, so there is exact example how to create a redirect item for any virtual URL that will do 301 to any specific sitecore item (which belong to some page item under corresponding language website): enter image description here

  3. If you are resolving languages on-a-fly so that the same item in Sitecore serves different languages (based on criteria how you resolve that), then you may use aliases as they are (but as I understood from your example that isn't your case)

P.S. Also, if you decide to go with aliases, mind Canonical URLs (link one and link two) as they may affect your SEO.

Hope someone finds that helpful!
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